Members only

Membership affords you exclusive privileges, including access to models not featured on our website. Additionally, I can conduct a search in your area for additional models as needed. Enjoy full access to model videos, selfies, and Instagram profiles where applicable.

Why do we prioritize client screening and membership applications?

At our agency, safety is paramount. While we’re eager to introduce you to the realm of professional companionship, ensuring your safety and ours is non-negotiable. To this end, we verify the authenticity of our clients. We require your full legal name along with an associated social media account, preferably LinkedIn, for verification purposes. Rest assured, we’re not interested in your social media content; our priority is your safety.

Let's meet!

To initiate your membership journey, kindly submit a courteous introductory form along with pertinent details about yourself, any provider references you may have, and a brief overview of your expectations for your time with one of our models. Our models delight in the company of individuals from all walks of life, embracing diversity in race, age, size, gender identity, and ability.


We base our company on privacy and discretion. Rest assured all your information is safe and will never be shared.

We offer both Local and Travel date options for models. 

We don’t contact you unless you expressely request a contact call/message. Or we must contact you during an encounter.

Investing in life's moments, when afforded the opportunity, yields the greatest returns, fostering deeper connections and lasting memories.

New member form